The Future of Broadway Elementary School

A question I frequently hear from our stakeholders is, “What will happen to the Broadway site when students and staff move to a new school?”  While we understand that the lack of immediate plans for the site may raise uncertainties, we want to assure you that we are actively exploring options that align with the community's best interests. Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.411 | Lease or sale of unused school facilities outlines the school district's responsibility for the vacated property. If the district does not attract a buyer, it will abate and demolish the structure.  The cleared land could be sold, repurposed, or used for new construction.  Decisions regarding the fate of the Broadway Elementary site will be made in consultation with the Board of Education, local government officials, and community stakeholders. Local zoning laws play a role in determining what type of use or development is allowed on the property. Public input and considerations for the best use of the space could affect the outcome. The district will organize community meetings to discuss Broadway Elementary's closure, share information, and gather input. The district is committed to maintaining open lines of communication with our stakeholders as we navigate any transition together.