Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)

What is PBIS?
PBIS is a proactive approach to school discipline using research-based practices and data analysis of school-wide behavior to improve academic and behavior outcomes for all students. For our school, this means teaching behavioral expectations and how they apply in different areas of the building. The three expectations we have for our students are to BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, AND HAVE INTEGRITY.
How do We Teach It?
Student expectations are taught at the beginning of the school year by staff members. Lessons, routines, and procedures are taught in all areas of the building, on school grounds, and for special events. Below, is the matrix we use as a reference and guideline to ensure everyone is reinforcing and reteaching expected behaviors.

How are Positive Behaviors Recognized?
Our entire staff has been trained to reinforce and praise students, with specific feedback, when they meet our school expectations. In addition, students are given "All In Points" for students who exemplify these three character traits. These points can be saved and cashed in for rewards at various times throughout the week, month, and year.
What Happens When Expectations are Not Met?
Our staff constantly monitors behavioral data for our building and for individual students. When we see increases in incidents by our students, we work to reteach expectations in these areas, increase supervision, and get input from all members of our team to find ways for improvement. When individual students have multiple referrals and reports, we put more interventions and supports in place for them. Some of these interventions and supports may include, but not limited to, behavior intervention plans, reteaching, conferencing, staff/volunteer mentors, student aides, social workers, etc. Traditional disciplinary measures are still in place, however, the goal is to be proactive and to get all students to meet our desired expectations.