School Counseling

Phone: (937)669-6324
Degrees and Certifications:
Master's in School Counseling
Bachelor's in Integrated Social Studies
Mr. Brett Elliott
Hello, my name is Brett Elliott. I am the counselor at LT Ball. I work with grades 3-5. I graduated from the University of Dayton in 2014 with my master's degree in School Counseling. This is my 12th year as a counselor in Tipp. I became a counselor because of my passion for helping students and love for all things related to psychology.
As a school counselor I will work with students and parents to help with personal, social, and academic challenges. I will provide students with individual counseling, small group counseling, and classroom guidance.
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling sessions can be requested by the student, parent, or teacher. If a student wishes to request a session, they can ask me or their teacher. If a parent wishes to request a session please call my office 669-6324 or email me at
Individual counseling can help students with academic, social, and/or emotional concerns.
Group Counseling
This year I will be running the groups listed below. They will be run for roughly 6 weeks, then we will evaluate the need to continue. If you feel this would benefit your student please sign them up by clicking on this SMALL GROUP SIGN UP LINK. I will be in contact with you before we begin this group.
-Social Skills/Friendship
Classroom Guidance
Classroom lessons will be provided on an as needed basis- based upon teacher and student needs in the classroom.
Student Links