Can you help Tippecanoe High School reach its goal? THS is sponsoring a Sock Drive to benefit St. Vincent de Paul, a non-profit serving the homeless and impoverished in the Greater Dayton Area. Drop off new socks at the BOE or THS. #WEareTIPP #togetherweareextraordinary
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Sock it 2 'em!
Tippecanoe High School will host an ACT preparation seminar on Wednesday, January 26th, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. Students will learn specific testing and time management strategies to help students boost their ACT score. This 6-hour session is presented by Next Level Prep, a company known for its subject matter experts in test preparation and college admissions. The seminar is open to students in grades 9-12. It highly recommended for juniors who will be taking the ACT on March 1. The special price is $59 per student and includes a comprehensive workbook, online testing access after the seminar, and free call-in tutoring. Students can register in the THS Counseling Office. Enrollment is limited.
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
ACT Preparation
Thank you Miami County Foundation for the lifesaving equipment. With your nearly $7,000 grant, the district purchased two Automated External Defibrillators, five replacement electrodes, and six AED wall cabinets with alarms. We appreciate your generosity! #WEareTIPP
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School student Grace Raiff, the most recent Red Devil of the Week! Teachers nominated Grace because she is a leader in the classroom with a strong work ethic and positive attitude. She is helpful to others in her classes and goes above and beyond to demonstrate friendship and kindness to someone in need. #WEareTIPP
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
THS Red Devil of the Week Grace Raiff
"I opened up my classroom door for the first time in 2022 to a new Smartboard!" LT Ball Intermediate teacher Kem Fischer says, "The students and I are thrilled with the new board. The color, clarity, touchscreen, and display for student engagement are amazing. Best present ever!! Six boards were installed in LT Ball classrooms over the break. LTPA contributed to this project using donations from last year's successful Read-A-Thon.
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
New smartboard
Student working at the new smartboard
Teacher and student collaborating at the new smartboard
The district has 14 new hands-free bottle filling stations thanks to Monroe Township Board of Trustees! The board appropriated nearly $30,000 in CARES Act Funds for Tipp City Schools to purchase the touchless water dispensers. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Hands-free water station
The Tippecanoe High School wrestling team competed at the 56 team GMVWA Holiday Tournament. Tippecanoe placed 16th in their division with freshman Alex Shellhammer (175) placing 8th. He is the first freshman in Tippecanoe history to place at the tournament. Great Job! #WEareTIPP
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
THS Wrestling Team
Thank you to the Tipp City United Methodist Church for making a vision come to reality. The church recently collaborated with several others in our community to improve safety for our students who are traversing on and off the field at City Park. In collaboration with the City of Tipp City - Government, Tipp City Schools, Tipp Pride, and Tipp City Music Boosters , a concrete pad was poured to join sidewalks to the turf field. This makes it safer for the students and allows others (especially those requiring wheelchairs) to enter the field with confidence. Thank you to Dan Glover, Pastor at TCUMC; Greg Moehl, Family Ministry Pastor at TCUMC; Mike Chaney, Tippecanoe Music Boosters President and church member; Keith Lavy, Classic Concrete and church member; Tony Hunt, City of Tipp City. This is shining example of our community spirit!
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Improvements at City Park
Introducing the Tippecanoe Middle School Rock Stars of the Week from week of December 13th. Congratulations to Bridget Hughes, Carson Schultz (6th), Gabrielle Place (7th), Courtney Post (8th). They know how to be responsible, be respectful, and have integrity. #WEareTIPP
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Rock Stars of the Week
The district's phone service has been restored. Thank you for your patience.
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Important Information
The phone lines for Tipp City Schools are not working. The district cannot place or receive outside calls. Frontier is working to restore service.
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Important Information
Approximately 135 guests enjoyed breakfast with Santa thanks to the Tippecanoe High School Business Professionals of American! Children received an early gift from Santa, heard carols sung by the THS choir, and worked on crafts. They even had the opportunity to write and hand deliver letters to Santa!
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
THS Students at Santa Breakfast
THS student at the santa breakfast
Ms. Hardyman with Santa
It is official. Have a wonderful winter break and a special holiday season. Students and teachers return on Monday, January 3, 2022! #WEareTIPP
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
It is here!  Winter break.
Congratulations to December's Students of the Month. The LT Ball honorees know how to be responsible, be respectful, and have integrity. And, they also love to get a little silly for a photo. (It was pajama day on the day of the celebration.) #WEareTIPP
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
LT Ball Students of the Month
LT Ball Students of the Month acting a little silly.
Today Tippecanoe High School homebuilding teacher James Kitchen and two of his students presented the Tipp City Police Department and Tipp City Fire Department with a special holiday gift. Students enrolled in the THS Homebuilding Class handcrafted wooden flags made with 90-year-old reclaimed wood. Tenth grader Emma Hanrahan and her brother 12th grader Collin thanked the police officers and firefighters for their dedication, service, and commitment to the safety of our community. Part of Mr. Kitchen's mission is to encourage his students to always give back. We think he succeeded!
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Tipp City Police Department with two students gifting them a flag.
Homebuilding students presenting a gift to the fire department
Wooden Flag
Wooden flag
Tipp City Schools completed its safety drill that took place at Tippecanoe Middle School. The drill included the release of chemical fumes in the building. Students and staff evacuated the building. Police, fire, and rescue responded to the drill. Safety is a top priority for our students, staff, and community. Practicing scenarios, such as this, is an important step in ensuring they can react quickly and appropriately in an actual emergency.
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
At this time, Tipp City Schools is conducting an emergency safety drill as part of our preparedness plan. Local police, fire, and other emergency crews are responding to the incident. The district will provide updates when available. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Nevin Coppock kindergarten students walked to the post office this morning to mail their letters to the North Pole for Santa Claus and his elves. Thank you to our local PO for making this tradition special! #WEareTIPP
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Kindergarten student mailing his letter
A little girl placing her Santa letter in the mailbox.
A little girl with her Santa letter waiting in line.
Two boys with their letters to the North Pole
Today Miami County Animal Shelter in Troy presented Tippecanoe Middle School 8th grader Ava Hanrahan with a Certificate of Appreciation for her successful pet supply drive. Because of her leadership, strong organization skills, and the generosity of our community, she collected more than 700 items!! (Her goal was 50 donations.) On behalf of the shelter and commissioners, shelter manager Rob Craft expressed gratitude for Ava's community service project!
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Ava Hanrahan getting a Certificate of Appreciation
WDTN-TV interviewed THS freshman Carson Hughes and his mom(a pastor) to learn about their toy drive for the children of the tornado that leveled the city of Mayfield, Kentucky-their former hometown. New toys can be dropped off at our schools. Ends Thursday. #WEareTIPP
about 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
A THS student and his mom being interviewed by channel 2.
Donated toys in shopping bags.