About Tipp City DI

Where creativity comes to life. Just imagine the possibilities!
Destination ImagiNation® is a non-profit, community-based and school friendly program for students from kindergarten through college that builds participant’s creativity, problem solving, teamwork and STEM related skills. Students work cooperatively on a team of up to 7 people and push the limits of imagination to better themselves. The learning process also teaches team and self-reliance, as all challenges must be strictly TEAM MEMBER SOLVED. The Tipp City DI program is a school and community-based program run by volunteers, parents, community agencies and Tipp City school employees. We have programs for kids K-12.
The goal of our program is to provide opportunities for kids to explore and discover unlimited creative potential through teamwork, cooperation, and mutual respect. Our program encourages competence in, enthusiasm for, and commitment to real-life problem solving. The key to the Destination ImagiNation® program is discovering and applying the process of Creative Problem Solving.