Tippecanoe High School
Student Daily Announcements
Tippecanoe High School Student Daily Announcements 9/6/2024
-The Greatest Show on Earth is coming to Tippecanoe for Homecoming 2024! The Homecoming Parade will take place on Friday September 13th starting at 5:30pm. Court recognition and the crowning of this year's Homecoming King and Queen will take place prior to the start of the football game.
THS Homecoming Dance is Saturday September 14th from 8-11. Tickets will go on sale Monday, September 9th at lunch. Tickets are $20. Outside guest forms are located outside the main office and need to be completed prior to buying tickets. If you have any questions please see Bre Smith.
-CTC students will have an opportunity to purchase THS Homecoming Dance tickets at CTC next Tuesday, 9/10/24, in the MAC from 8:05am to 8:30am.Tickets are $20 (cash or check accepted). Checks should be made out to Tipp City Schools. We will also have outside guest forms available at that time as well.
Homecoming Dress up Days:
Monday- This is Me "Class colors- Seniors- black, Juniors-red, Sophomores- gray and Freshmen-white
Tuesday- "The Other Side" Twin Day
Wednesday- "A Million Dreams" PJ Day
Thursday- "Rewrite the Stars" Black out
Friday- "The Greatest Show" Circus
-Jostens will have an in school order day on Tuesday, September 11th, 4:30-6 PM only. Orders for Seniors graduation gear and Tippecanoe letter jackets will be taken, although it is highly suggested that orders be placed online.
-Dance Forms for Outside Guest Attendance at Tippecanoe High School’s Homecoming Dance on Saturday, Sept. 14th may be picked up in the school office.
-Attention Ladies, anyone who is interested in playing softball this coming year please stop by Room 220 during 5th period to pick up some information. Any questions please ask Mr Tackett.
-Jostens Class ring meeting with our Sophomore class will be rescheduled for early October. Once we have an exact date confirmed, we will share that out.
-Any student who would like to be identified in the yearbook as something other than the name in powerschool, be sure to fill out the form in your google classroom. This is for people who shorten their name (Liv instead of Olivia, Matt instead of Matthew) or those who go by a middle name or another name. Sorry we do not accept nicknames. Questions, please see Ms. Mahaney.
-WACO Air Museum & Learning Center is looking for volunteers to help with the Fly-In on September 20-22. Get up close and personal to vintage aircraft by greeting pilots, operating the plane train, helping with kids activities & more. Get your volunteer hours completed early! Contact Gretchen at: tghawk200@aol.com or Mrs. Gaier in the Counseling Office for more information.
THS Clubs/Activities
9/7 6:00 PM Tippecanoe High School Marching Band @ Troy Invitational - OMEA Event
9/10 2:45 PM If you are interested in joining the Tippecanoe Disc Golf Club please meet after in Mr. Culver’s Room 222.
9/10 2:45 PM Art Club will be meeting after school. Please come and help us finish painting our homecoming banner.
Tippecanoe Sports
THS Teams in Action last night:
Girls Varsity Volleyball beat Piqua
(9th/JV/ Girls Volleyball scores not available)
Girls JV Tennis @ Centerville (score not available)
Girls Varsity Tennis lost in their match against Centerville.
Freshman Football vs. Clinton Massie (score not available)
Boys JV and Varsity Soccer Teams won their games against Chaminade Julienne.
Girls JV Soccer had a win over Miami East.
Boys Varsity Golf won their match against Fairborn.
Good Luck to the following teams in action later today…
9/6 Boys Varsity Football @ Greenville
Upcoming Sporting Events…
9/7 Coed Varsity Cross Country @ Mason Invitational
9/7 Coed JV Cross Country @ Piqua Invite (night race)
9/7 Girls JV and Varsity Tennis @ Miamisburg High School- MVTCA Coaches Cup
9/7 Boys JV and Varisty Soccer vs. Summit Country Day - HOME
For more information on THS Sports go to : www.tippecanoeathletics.com
Counselor’s Corner
For the most recent information from our High School Counselor’s Office, please click the link below
Tippecanoe High School Counseling Info Page
You’ll find everything from career planning, scholarships, college planning and much more.
Upcoming High School Events/Community Info
9/9 7:00PM Tipp City Music Boosters Meeting - THS Band Room-all welcome to attend
9/12 *9:30PM Tippecanoe High School Bonfire Sponsored by Parents Who Care
*time is approximate due to the Boys Soccer Game. The bonfire will begin after the game is over.
9/13 2 hours Late Arrival for Grades 6 to 12 only
9/14 7:30-11:00 PM Tippecanoe High School Homecoming Dance
9/27 2 hours Late Arrival for Grades 6 to 12 only
If you would like to be added/deleted to Tippecanoe High School Student Announcements,
please send an email to Mrs. Heitkamp, Admin. Assistant to Mrs. Weaver, Principal,
Tippecanoe High School: cheitkamp@tippcity.k12.oh.us