Drama Club

Mrs. Jasinski
How to Join
Complete a membership form, available on the theatre call board, and return it to Mrs. Jasinski or the high school main office. The $25 club participation fee must be paid directly to the high school office. Students may join at any point throughout the year.
Mission Statement
The THS Drama Club seeks to promote student involvement in the performing arts through supporting theatre high school theatre productions and creating performance opportunities.
Due to COVID-19 we look forward to seeing you and working together next school year.
Club Description
The Drama Club is for students in grades 9-12 with interests either being on stage or behind the scenes. Members of the club earn thespian points and honors in the International Thespian Society through our school troupe, 1642. The club, organzied into four separate committees, works to create service, social, technical, and performance opportunities for students at Tippecanoe High School, while also working to recognize excellence in performances.
Activities Schedule
There is an opening of the year informational meeting where students can learn about the club and select committees they wish to join. After that time, committees, organized by club advisors have individual, as needed meetings to plan and publicize their events.
Previous Activities:
Halloween costume contest
Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat Food Drive
Trips to local play productions
Tech Day workshops
Improv seminars
Playwriting sessions
One act festivals