1.        On or before the day of absence, a parent/guardian should call the attendance line, 937-669-6362, or email Mrs. Petro at, before 8:00 am.

2.        If a parent/guardian has not notified the school of an absence, the student must present a note stating:
a.     Student's Full Name
b. Date(s) of absence
c.    Reason of Absence
d.    Signature of parent/guardian
e.    Phone number where parent/guardian may be reached

3.        Students aged 18 and older are required to follow this same procedure. Students over 18 may not report their absences and/or sign themselves out of school.

4.        If the appropriate school officials are not notified of an absence, the student will be considered unexcused.

Students requesting an early dismissal or arriving late to school because of a medical appointment will be excused if a note from the medical office is presented on the day of return.

1.     Students who arrive at school after the morning bell, 7:40, will be considered tardy and may result in school discipline.

2.   Tardy students should report to the Attendance Window in the Main Office.

3.    Leaving the building without permission for any reason is a violation of state and local attendance laws and regulations and may result in school discipline.

For more information about school attendance please go to Tipp City Schools Attendance Information