👏🏻🌟Join us as we congratulate Tippecanoe Middle School Athlete of the Week, Ramsey Nicholls, a member of the wrestling team.🤼‍♂️🤼 Coach Couch said, "Ramsey has continued his dominant performance from the youth wrestling program into his 7th grade season. His skills continue to test even the 8th graders that he faces at competitions. His hard work pushes his teammates in practice, and his attitude, win or lose, shows his maturity not just on the mat but in everything he is involved in." 🌟💪🏻#studentathlete #athleteoftheweek #tmswrestling #reddevils #WEareTIPP
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Ramsey Nicholls
👏🏻🏀The Tippecanoe Athletic Department proudly announces Reese Hoover as the female Athlete of the Week. Coach Grasso shared that Reese, a varsity basketball player, is averaging 7 points and 7 rebounds this season. She has scored in double figures 4 times and grabbed at least 10 rebounds in 5 different games. The team has won 9 of its 11 games, and Reese has been a huge factor in its success. She is a tremendous defender around the basket and willing to do anything to help her teammates. 💪🏻🏀#athleteoftheweek #WEareTIPP #thsgirlsbball #studentathlete #success
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
THS Athlete of the Week
🎨✨ Creativity in Action Award ✨🎨A belated but well-deserved congratulations to our LT Ball Board of Education honorees for December! These talented students were recognized for their outstanding work in the Holiday Writing Contest sponsored by the Tipp City Area Arts Council.👏 Winners: Fiona Chapleau, Silas Downing, Clark McGinnis Logan Sierra, Nicole Stump, Cooper Syphrit, Laura Thobe, and Isabella Vagedes. ✍️🎄 #WEareTIPP #holidaywritingcontest #tippartscouncil #creativewriting #boehonorees #WEareTIPP
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
LT Ball BOE Honorees.
🎨👩🏻‍🎨Tippecanoe Middle School students are showcasing their creativity and talent through two colorful murals!🎵 Band Room Mural: Students Annabelle Bathgate and Penny Bayman worked closely with band director Stephen Monath to design a mural for the band room. Inspired by the phrase “I believe I can, I will,” which Mr. Monath often shares with his band, the mural is a powerful visual reminder. Annabelle and Penny, selected for their exceptional art skills, collaborated to merge their designs into one cohesive piece. The portable mural will even move to the new PK-8 school. 🍎 Cafeteria Mural: In the cafeteria, students from the Design Technology classes joined forces to create a vibrant mural featuring Owen Boggs’ food characters and Lexius Stoll’s red devil design. After careful planning and collaboration, the Art I 8th-grade class brought the design to life with their painting skills, creating a fun and welcoming atmosphere for the cafeteria.🌟#studentcreativity #TMSmurals #studentartists #WEareTIPP
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Students painted a mural for the art room.
TMS students painted a mural for the cafeteria.
🚀📚 Third Grade Book Tasting: Exploring Outer Space! 📚🚀Heather Bledsoe's third graders had an out-of-this-world experience during their Book Tasting as part of the Wit and Wisdom module on Outer Space! 📚Students explored exciting books while enjoying space-themed snacks and reaching for the stars. 🌟✨#outerspace #booktasting #witandwisdom #WEareTIPP
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
Wit and Wisdom: Outer Space.
🌟REMINDER: We hope you can join us for the Superintendent's Community Engagement. 📆
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Community Engagement
We hope our students, families, and staff enjoyed Winter Break.
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Welcome Back
Tipp City Schools will be closed today, Tuesday, January 7th,
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
No School
Tipp City Schools will start Tuesday, January 7th, on a 2-hour delay. If the district must be closed, a decision will be made by 7:30 a.m.
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Important Information
❄☃Tipp City Schools will be closed today, Monday, January 6th.❄☃
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
No School
👏🏻🏀Congratulations to Tippecanoe Middle School Athlete of the Week, Jacob Newsome, a boys basketball team player. 👍🏻Coach Games said, "Jacob currently leads the 8th-grade basketball team in scoring. He's worked hard in the off-season to develop his game and is a solid three-point shooter. His shooting ability helps spread the defense and opens up the inside game for the rest of the team. 💪🏻He is an unselfish player who understands the game and only takes what the defense gives him." #WEareTIPP #athleteoftheweek #tmsbball
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Athlete of the Week.
♟️🏆 Checkmate! All semester, students in the Beth Hanes/Carmella Lammers pod at LT Ball Intermediate have sharpened their chess skills. They organized a student-led chess tournament to showcase their strategic talents—a fantastic example of collaboration and critical thinking in action! 👍🏻Congratulations to Avery McLaughlin, the big winner of their first tournament! 🎉👏 #chesstournament #criticalthinking #collaboration #checkmate #chesschamp #WEareTIPP Great job to all the students who participated—you’ve set the bar high for future tournaments!
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Chess Champion.
LT Ball chess players.
Playing chess at LT Ball
Playing chess at LT Ball.
👏🏻🌟Shoutout to Tippecanoe Middle School basketball player Kayleigh Elchinger, Athlete of the Week. Coach Thomas said, "Kayleigh shows up every day ready to get better. She pushes herself to be first in sprints, is always coachable, and is just an overall positive light on our team. 😊☀️She has shown how consistently doing things the right way and putting in extra work can lead to growth and results. She has a love for the game that does not go unnoticed, and I believe she has a bright future in basketball!"🏀⛹🏻‍♀️#WEareTIPP #athleteoftheweek #tmsathletics #congratulations
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Athlete of the Week.
❄️🎨Broadway Elementary students received a special holiday treat from their art teacher, Shelby Walters! Students chose between a hand-painted glitter snowflake on their cheek and a Christmas eraser. Most opted for the snowflake, excitedly showing off their festive designs.❄️#facepaint #snowflakes #WEareTIPP #specialgift
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
Broadway students have extra sparkle with their face paint.
🎉🌟Let’s give a big applause to our final Tippecanoe Middle School Rock Stars of the Week for 2024! Congratulations to 👏 6th grader Ben Bracken,👏 7th grader Eli McClain and 👏 8th grader Hadley Maggard (not pictured). #rockstarsoftheweek #WEareTIPP #keepshining #hardwork
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Rock Stars of the Week.
💫🙌 The Kindness Revolution is contagious at Tippecanoe Middle School, thanks to School Resource Officer (Officer Cool Cop) Warren Edmondson! 🌟 This initiative celebrates students who go above and beyond to show empathy, compassion, and care for others. 💛 Thank you, Cara Corcoran, for making a difference.🤝✨ #WEareTIPP #TippCitySchools #KindnessRevolution #OfficerCoolCop
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
OCC's Kindness Revolution honoree.
Congratulations to our Broadway Elementary Board of Education Honorees for December. 🙂 Encouragement Award: Blaine Hedger 😊Kindness Award: Beckett Knapke 💪🏻Perseverance Award: Nathan Phillips 📚Most AR Points: Teddy Lambers #WEareTIPP #boehonorees #broadwaystars
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Broadway BOE honorees for December.
Broadway BOE honoree for December.
🎶✨ The Tippecanoe Middle School choirs spread holiday cheer with their wonderful winter concerts.✨🎶 The performances showcased incredible growth from these talented vocalists and filled the audience with joy. Thank you to our director, Amanda Casey, and accompanist, Dave Weimer, for their dedication and guidance in making this show successful. Bravo! 👏🎄🎵#tmschoirs #WEareTIPP #studenttalent #studentvocalists
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Choir Concerts
TMS Choir Concerts
TMS Choir Concerts
TMS Choir Concerts
TMS Choir Concerts
TMS Choir Concerts
TMS Choir Concerts
TMS Choir Concerts
🎄✨ Holiday Favorites: A Trip Down Memory Lane ✨🎄Our holiday mini-series continues with Tipp City Schools staff member Alexis Morgan sharing she and her family watch White Christmas, specifically enjoying the iconic performances of Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby. 🌟🎥#holidaymemories #holidaytraditions #christmasfun #makingmemories #WEareTIPP #familytime
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Holiday Favorites and traditions.
💫🙌 The Kindness Revolution is growing at Tippecanoe Middle School. School Resource Officer (Officer Cool Cop) Warren Edmondson started his initiative to celebrate students who go above and beyond to show empathy, compassion, and care for others. 💛 Congratulations to Jackson Wimple on earning this honor. 🤝✨ #WEareTIPP #TippCitySchools #KindnessRevolution #OfficerCoolCop
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Jackson Wimple